الثلاثاء، 8 ديسمبر 2020

Obtenez le guide Fort Secret de Top Secret

The best Fortnite Creative mode maps (and the codes to access them)

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The term 'walking simulator' was born around 2013 to refer, usually in a derogatory way, to games like 'Gone Home' and other indies that were beginning to spread at the time. Quiet, contemplative games that posed their rhythm almost as a mathematical opposite to that of conventional mainstream mechanics, where they often opt for speed without brake, the demand for very refined reflexes and, in general, the rejection of everything that do not "move forward", be it in playful or narrative terms.

Different subsequent titles have been dancing around the precepts of 'Gone Home'. They have posed metanarratives about the meaning of video games and what it is to win and lose in titles like 'The Stanley Parable', and they have pushed the visual and plastic experience of the video game to the limit based on pure contemplation as 'Firewatch' does. All of them went beyond concepts inherited from sports competition and arcade philosophy, which marked the narrative destiny of video games based on a condition that has already expired: before you had to pay to play.

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Finally, the derogatory charge of the term 'walking simulator' has disappeared and some of its foundations have permeated the mainstream. Exploration games have always existed (and Kojima himself has a lot to say about it and his constant exploration of the mechanics of observation and interaction with the set), often linked to action and challenge. Little by little the balance has been balanced, and games as little suspicious of having experimental ambitions as 'Prey' or 'Red Dead Redemption' have injected elements of the 'walking simulators' in their development.

But 'Death Stranding' goes a step further. Channeled by the authorial ambitions of Hideo Kojima, 'Death Stranding' is, possibly, the pinnacle of the fusion between the calm and content rhythms of the 'walking simulators', their contemplative spirit and their militant absence of traditional action (what to watch and learn it is also "action", but that is another debate) with certain touches of adventure game to use. Add to that the wacky sci-fi setting of the house brand, which both dresses you in a delirium in the style of Solid Snake's father that it fits into an Activision stickers with a number in the title.

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Next Coming

الاثنين، 7 ديسمبر 2020

X-Ray Coming

Now Action 

To the great community of gamers that, as we know, we are waiting for the latest details of this new emotional saga of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, the ultimate novelty of the part of the director of the game. For love, or the new trailer of the personas. Get rid of clutter you don't need, get rid of it and get rid of the requirements for the game.


Call of Duty Warzone

Six tips that you need to get started in Call of Duty Warzone

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Guide to survive and win games in the new Battle Royale of Call of Duty.

Call of Duty Warzone has one of the biggest surprises of this year. Announced this week and published on the following day, millions of gamers decided to launch this game in free to play and independent Modern Warfare for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The title, which claims to compete with Fortinet and Battlegrounds, has many features that it uniquely respects other Battle Royale, so we can design six basic quests to gain and build a base to win games. It's time to survive with our guide

Always equip your bulletproof plates and use stimulants.

When we start, it will not be unusual to find several bulletproof vests. These have to be equipped manually by pressing and holding the triangle. We can take three at a time and keep several in reserve. So whenever you have them, equip them to go as covered as possible. If you come out of a shooting alive, it is important that you replace the ones you had in reserve with triangle, since only our life is automatically regenerated. Stimulants, on the other hand, serve to recover life quickly if we are in a fray. Only use them if you can't take shelter for a few seconds somewhere

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Use ping constantly

Call of Duty Warzone has endorsed one of the great innovations that Apex brought: ping. Basically it allows us to mark all kinds of elements on the screen. Pressing once up on the crosshead we can mark locations, loot and places to go. If we press twice when we see an enemy, we will mark in red the rivals that we find in our path. It is an essential communication system, whether or not we have a headset to talk to our team

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Distribute the money: everyone has $ 4,500

One of the most interesting mechanics in Warzone is money, which helps us to buy all kinds of advantages and also to revive our friends. That is why it is important that later in the game, you distribute the money so that all team members, or at least two of them, have $ 4,500. Why? Very simple: when one of our companions is killed, he goes straight to the Gulag. There you have options to return to the battlefield, but if you lose, you are knocked out. We can only make it come back if we revive it with the payment of these 4,500 points.

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Obtenez le guide Fort Secret de Top Secret

The best Fortnite Creative mode maps (and the codes to access them) Mission Complete Gift Now 200 USD  Play For Free 3 Month The term 'w...